Istoria vaccinării - Un lanţ de ipoteze eronate. Partea a II-a: Teoria infecţiei

by - vineri, noiembrie 11, 2016

Pro Decizii Informate, Lion Mentor Association şi European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance prezintă:

Conferinţă Feli Popescu - „Istoria vaccinării - Un lanţ de ipoteze eronate”
Partea a II-a: Teoria infecţiei

Să fie oare viaţa doar un proces mecanic?
Să fie oare microbii cauzele bolilor?
Dacă da, atunci de ce nu sunt îndeplinite postulatele Henle-Koch?
Se poate demonstra contagiozitatea prin injectare de material biologic în creier?
De ce şi-a falsificat Pasteur experimentele?


1546 - Geronimo Fracastorio - De Contagionibus et Contagiosis Morbis, et eorum Curatione
1872 - A. Béchamp: Seconde observation sur quelques communications récentes de M. Pasteur, notamment sur la théorie de la fermentation alcoolique. In: Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des sciences; Band 75
1878 - Louis Pasteur: La théorie des germes et leur rôle en pathologie
1883 - Prof. Antoine Béchamp: Les mycrozimas dans leur rapports avec l'hétérogénie, l'histogénie, la physiologie et la pathologie; Baillière, Paris
1884 - Louis Pasteur: Nouvelles communications sur la rage
1888 - Prof. Antoine Béchamp: La théorie du microzyma et le système microbien
1899 - Prof. Antoine Béchamp: Le sang et son troisième élément anatomique
Centre International de Recherches Antoine Béchamp:
1997 - Dr. Louis de Brouwer: Vaccination : Erreur médicale du siècle (versiunea în lb. română: Vaccinarea, eroarea medicală a secolului)
2014 - Prof. Gheorghe Mustaţă (Univ. Iaşi): Microbiomul, arma secretă a medicinei moderne
2014 - Prof. Gheorghe Mustață, Mariana Mustață, The Microbiome – The Secret Weapon of Modern Medicine, Int. Journal of Medical Dentistry, Vol. 4, Issue 2

Lb. germană:
1855 - Prof. Max von Pettenkofer: Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen über die Verbreitungsart der Cholera
1869 - Prof. Max von Pettenkofer: Boden und Grundwasser in ihren Beziehungen zu Cholera und Typhus
1881 - Prof. Max von Pettenkofer: Der Boden und sein Zusammenhang mit der Gesundheit des Menschen
1882 - Robert Koch: Die Ätiologie der Tuberculose, Berliner Klinische Wochenschrift. Bd. 19, Nr. 15
1890 - Prof. Max von Pettenkofer: Die Verunreinigung der Isar durch das Schwemmsystem von München
1890 - Robert Koch: Über Bakteriologie (Tuberkulin), Berliner Kongreß Jakob Henle - Postulatele lui Henle (
Revista satirica „Der wahre Jakob“
2005 - Volker Stollorz: Der große Irrtum des Dr. Koch, FAZ Sept/2005

Lb. engleză:
1684 - Antony van Leeuwenhoek: An Abstract of a Letter […], Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 14: 568-574
1860 - Florence Nightingale: Notes on Nursing
1911 - Dr. M.L. Leverson: Pasteur the Plagiarist
1923 - Ethel Douglas Hume: Bechamp or Pasteur; a lost chapter in the history of biology
1926 - Paul de Kruif: The Microbe Hunters
1932 - Walter Cannon: The Wisdom of the Body; ed. Norton
1942 - R. B. Pearson: Pasteur - plagiator, impostor; the theory of germs exploded
1959 - René Dubos - Mirage of Health: Utopias, Progress and Biological Change
1995 - Prof. Gerald Geison: The Private Science of Louis Pasteur, Univ. Princeton
1997 - Prof. Daniel Thomas: Captain of Death. The Story of Tuberculosis, ed. Rochester
1997 - Edward Golub: The Limits of Medicine: How Science Shapes our Hope for the Cure, Univ. of Chicago Press
2004 - Jeremy Nicholson: The Challenges of Modelling Mammalian Biocomplexity, Nature Biotechnology Oct/2004, p. 1270
2004 - Horace Judson: The Great Betrayal. Fraud in Science, ed. Harcourt 2004 - Michael McCarthy: Lies, Damn Lies and Scientific Research, Lancet Nov/2004, p. 1657
2009 - Christoph Gradmann: Laboratory Disease, Robert Koch's Medical Bacteriology
2013 - Dr Suzanne Humphries, Roman Bystrianyk: Dissolving Illusions, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

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