Istoria vaccinării - Un lanţ de ipoteze eronate. Partea I: Variola

by - miercuri, noiembrie 09, 2016

Pro Decizii Informate, Lion Mentor Association şi European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance prezintă:

Conferinţă Feli Popescu - „Istoria vaccinării - Un lanţ de ipoteze eronate” (6 părţi).
Partea I: Variola 

Ce era cu adevărat "variola"?
Care erau cauzele reale ale “variolei”?
A fost variola cu adevărat eradicată?

Variola era un conglomerat de simptome: febră, cefalee; vărsături; diaree, hemoragii interne; eczeme, pustule; inflamarea ficatului; inflamarea ganglionilor limfatici, septicemie şi multe altele. Toate erau denumite “variolă”.

Printre cauzele reale ale "variolei": condiţiile de viaţă, intoxicarea/otrăvirea, variolarea „braţ la braţ”, vaccinarea cu limfă animalică sau chiar „tratamentul”, după cum reiese din literatura istorică.

Află esenţialul despre variolă din conferinţa pe care am susţinut-o la Bucureşti în septembrie 2016!

Urmează alte 5 episoade: Teoria Infecţiei, Istoria Medicinei, Poliomielita, Pojarul şi Biologia

Bibliografie Lb. germană:
1808 - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Faust
1857 - Carl Nittinger - Das falsche Dogma von der Impfung und seine Rückwirkung auf Wissenschaft und Staat
1859 - Carl Nittinger - Das schwarze Buch vom Impfen
1863 - Carl Nittinger - Gabriel Clauder - Die Impfhexe
1866 - Carl Nittinger - Die Staatsmagie der Impfung
1867 - Carl Nittinger - Der Kampf wider die Impfung im Volk und Parlament von England
1868 - Carl Nittinger - Staat und Volk im Zweifel an der Vaccination
1869 - Hansjakob, Heinrich - Ein Büchlein über das Impfen
1872 - Friedrich Becker - Impfen oder nicht impfen
1875 - Dr Germann - Studien über den jetzigen Stand der Impffrage
1890 - Dr H. Lahmann - Koch und die Kochianer
1890 - Der Impfspiegel
1897 - Die Impffrage vor dem Strafgericht
1909 - Dr Bilfinger - Eine ernste Volksgefahr
1911 - Dr Chalybaeus - Staatliche Lymphanstalt in Dresden
1912 - Hugo Wegener - Impf-Friedhof

Lb. engleză:

Pamphlets on Vaccination and Compulsory Medicine
The Universalist Union, VII, 13.08.1842
1764 - “The Practice of Inoculation Truly Stated”, The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle, Vol. 34, p. 333
1798 - Edward Jenner, An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolæ Vaccinæ
1815 - Dr. James C. Moore - The history of the small pox
1829 - “Observations by Mr. Fosbroke”, The Lancet, Vol. II, 1829, pp. 583-584
1829 - Dr. Delagrange of Paris, “On the Present State of Vaccination in France”, The Lancet, Vol. II, 1829, p. 582
1834 - “Cowpox Origin of”, The Medico-chirurgical review and journal of practical medicine, Vol. 20
1834 - Dr. Fiard, “Experiments upon the Communication and Origin of Vaccine Virus”, London medical and surgical journal, Vol. 4
1872 - Ephraim Cutter MD, “Partial Report on the Production of Vaccine Virus in the United States”, Transactions of the American Medical Association: Volume XXIII
1873 - Edmund Procter - Important facts on Vaccination
1872 - Vaccination Syphilis, The British Medical Journal, Vol. 1, No. 631,
1873 1884 - E W Toya - Vaccination condemned by medical men
1885 - William White - The Story of a Great Delusion
1887 - Dr. Charles Creighton - Natural History of Cow Pox and Vaccinal Syphilis
1889 - Dr. Charles Creighton - Jenner and Vaccination
1889 - “The Differential Diagnosis of Vaccination Syphilis”, The British Medical Journal, Vol 2, No. 1507
1890 - The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 24, Philadelphia
1890 - “Vaccination and Syphilis”, The British Medical Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1514
1896 - Walter Hadwen - The case against vaccination
1897 - Noel A. Humphries, "English Vaccination and Small-Pox Statistics; with special Reference to the Report of the Royal Commission, and to recent Small-Pox Epidemics", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
1898 - Dr Alexander Wilder, “The Fallacy of Vaccination”, The Metaphysical Magazine, Vol. III, No. 2
1900 - Medical Brief: A Monthly Journal of Scientific Medicine and Surgery 1900 - Dr. JM Peebles - Vaccination, a curse and a menace to personal liberty
1900 - Dr G.W. Harman, “A Physician’s Argument Against the Efficacy of Virus Inoculation”, Medical Brief: A Monthly Journal of Scientific Medicine and Surgery: Vol. 28, No. 1
1906 - Arnold Lupton - Vaccination and the State
1911 - Dr. M. L. Leverson - Pasteur the Plagiarist
1913 - Arnold Lupton - Vaccination and the State, Appendix
1913 - Charles V. Chapin, “Variation in Type of Infectious Disease as Shown by the History of Smallpox in the United States”, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 13, No. 2, September 1913
1920 - Chas Higgins - Horrors of vaccination exposed and illustrated
2003 - Elizabeth A. Fenn, “The Great Smallpox Epidemic of 1775-82”, History Today
2011 - Li Qin, Genomic Analysis of the Vaccinia Virus Strain Variants Found in Dryvax Vaccine, Journal of Virology 85(24): 13049-13060
2013 - Dr Suzanne Humphries, Roman Bystrianyk, Dissolving Illusions, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Foto Credit: Google: Bapaume-tableau-Faidherbe.jpg

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  1. Si un numar atat de mare de simptome specifice unui virus nu ridica semne de intrebare?Nu reprezinta doar un conglomerat de simptome ci o tragedie nu doar una in cadrul unei familii,tari ci la nivel global.

    1. Inseamna ca te-ai uitat degeaba la prelegere :-(
      Ce inseamna simptome "specifice unui virus"?
      - Febră, cefalee, astenie intensă
      - Vărsături
      - Diaree (cu sânge)
      - Hemoragii interne
      - Erupţii maculo-papulare
      - Eczeme, pustule
      - Inflamarea ficatului (“hepatită”) etc.
      - Inflamarea ganglionilor limfatici (variola scrofuloasă)
      - Status putridus (septicemie)
      Unde va invata pe voi ca astea sunt simptome "specifice unui virus"?
      Chiar nu sunteti capabili sa ganditi un pic cu creierul vostru?
      Nu e nimic specific acolo, cu atat mai putin specific unui "virus" inexistent :-)
      O tragedie este mai degraba ca variolarea/vaccinarea, plus "tratamentele" (cu mercur etc.) au UCIS mai mult decat "variola".
      E la fel ca acum: citostaticele ucid oamenii si se spune apoi ca au murit de cancer.
